.... One Ship - a-sailing in.....

Like an approaching storm, his worries get deeper, darker, and
more sinister. Unpleasant ruffians are looking for a list of traitors’ names, Tiola’s
brother is in jail, and Sir Ailie Doone – the last of the notorious Doones of Exmoor – wants Jesamiah to sail to Cádiz on a secret mission in aid
of the Jacobite cause.
Except, being captured by the Spanish and meeting with an old friend, the beautiful English spy, Francesca, is not part of Jesamiah’s
plan. Once again he is in danger of losing his fidelity, his freedom - and
maybe even his life.
Tiola meanwhile has her own fears to face. Why is the ethereal
spirit of the sea, Tethys, determined to
have Jesamiah for her own? To save him, Tiola must find a way to recall her previous
lives and discover why events of the past are influencing those of the present why the ripples in time are echoing in the ripples in the sand.
Amazon.com Kindle $8.25
Amazon.co.uk Kindle £5.14
Available to order in book form soon!
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