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Wednesday 29 May 2024

Rachel's Random Resources Tours: Hidden Depths by J H Mann

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About the Book
Hidden Depths

On a wild Cornish headland, Catherine Carlyon takes a decision that will change her life forever.

She is facing the bleak prospect of years in prison after being sucked into a fraud by a man she thought loved her. Catherine has found a possible way out – to disappear. But disappearing comes at a price. She must abandon her family and everything she holds dear.

An epic adventure in the North Atlantic is looming which will take her to her limits and beyond…

Praise for Hidden Depths:

‘A conventional middle-aged woman has a passionate affair, becomes embroiled in fraud and makes the desperate decision to risk all in the hope of disappearing. J.H.Mann has lovingly evoked the Cornish landscape, from the wild Atlantic coast to the bleak and threatening moors, as a setting for a gripping thriller. I loved it’ – Debi Alper, author of the Nirvana series of thrillers.

‘The real essence of the challenge of open water swimming has been woven into a finely crafted suspense novel’ – Mark Richards, long distance swimmer, one of the few people to have successfully completed the 28-mile swim between Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

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About the Author 

Jason Mann is an award-winning journalist and writer living in the South West of England with Nicola, his wife, and their lively whippet, Patch. He is also a shore-based volunteer for the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution). Jason says: ‘Many of my stories are set in the wonderful county of Cornwall where truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction. I have swum and surfed there much of my life. It has been a special place for me with its legends, soaring cliffs, rugged moors and wild seas. The landscape has a raw, mystical magic. My father and mother’s recollections of rescues and tragedies on the North coast are often the inspiration for my stories. My father became one of the county’s early lifeguards after his predecessor was killed by a strike of lightning while standing in waist-deep water during a rescue.’

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My thoughts

I bought this because of the connection to Cornwall (although I live in Devon!) and the description of the scenery and the wildness of the Atlantic certainly didn't disappoint.

There are two main plots, the lead character's disintegrating marriage and subsequent affair, and the sliding into fraud. I liked Catherine Carlyon and empathised with her situation of a husband losing his job then turning to drink and apathy as a consequence. The affair was expected, what I couldn't understand was why Cathy stayed in such a dreadful place of work where she was so obviously undervalued and bullied. If she was such a brilliant finacialist as the author depicts any big company would have snapped her up (even headhunted her) - and, given her status as the only breadwinner, she could have had the pick of any job anywhere - although I do 'get' that she wanted to stay in Cornwall (but there are quite a few huge companies in Cornwall and Devon). However, this is fiction so maybe that can be overlooked.

The descent into fraud was convincing - and the repeated crime inevitable once greed set in, although again I'm not sure about the believability of just two people able to sign off accounts (and so easily traced!) Again, though, this is fiction.

The story did slow in places, especially at the approach of the penultimate chapters - I did have to resist skipping as I wasn't so interested in all the background everyday life scenes, I wanted the exciting bits. 

The end? I have to be honest I'm not sure. It was satisfying, but it also wasn't... I think I'd have been happier with a conclusive end rather than left to decide the ultimate fate for myself, on the other hand the ending as it is has made me think.

Having said that, this was a good read. A follow-up of what happened next could be interesting though!

**** 4 stars

(note: Helen has not yet read the book herself)

*** *** 

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