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Tuesday 27 August 2024

My HNS UK Conference guests: Liz Harris, Susie Baggaley and Gareth Williams

The Historical Novel Society 

showcasing books by authors attending HNS UK 2024
Today please welcome :
Liz Harris,
Susie Baggaley
Gareth Williams


Liz Harris

About the book
The Silken Knot
by Liz Harris

Dinan, 1947
Out of options, Iris Hammond makes the difficult decision to marry Pierre Rousseau, a man she’d never met until they stood together in front of the priest. Pierre, too, has his reasons for marrying Iris, a woman he doesn’t know.

Taken by Pierre from Jersey to his close-knit community in Brittany, France, Iris faces him at the end of the first day of a marriage she hadn’t wanted, and determines that, nevertheless, she will make their marriage a success.

Unsuspected by either Iris or Pierre, Marcel Pascal, the brother of Pierre’s late wife, and Elodie Vidal, Pierre’s shop assistant, each have a hidden agenda for wanting to destroy Pierre’s marriage as soon as they possibly can, and to see him alone and unhappy.

With Iris and Pierre completely unaware of the underhand scheming by people they think of as friends, Marcel and Elodie’s cruel plans stand a very good chance of bearing fruit.

Social media:

Twitter Handle:  @lizharrisauthor

Instagram Handle:  liz.harris.52206

Facebook: Liz Harris  


Susie Baggaley

About the book
Book 1 of 4: Mac's series

In the male dominated world of the Raj, female infirmity was treated with disdain. Only a woman of substance could bring about change. Mac was feisty, courageous, accomplished, audacious, doggedly determined and single. Everything a woman was not expected to be in 1930.

Her chosen career was medicine, her speciality obstetrics, her goal, to medically improve the plight of India's women whatever their religion, culture or status. It was a very noble cause, but first, Mac had to get there. 'Join the Fishing Fleet, dear,' suggested her aunt. An adventure in itself.

In Calcutta, a united front of pompous, misogynistic men of the India Medical Service stood ready to block her progress. Reducing female and infant mortality in an already over-populated continent seemed, to them, both illogical and absurd. As was, heaven forfend, inviting a female medic into their ranks, no matter how well qualified.

Dr Elizabeth Stuart-MacKenzie was young and on a mission. Such out-dated opinions were irrelevant. Nothing was going to stand in her way. Not even sex! 

Join Mac as she boards a P&O passenger-liner on route to Bombay.


(note: Helen has not yet read these books herself)

Gareth Williams

Rescuing Richard is a breathless quest that sweeps the reader from the blood-soaked battlefields of Zululand to the corridors of power in Regency London.

Richard is astonished when Shaka appoints him to his inner council, where he views for influence with his friend, Napoleon Bonaparte. Drawn to a feisty, intelligent young Zulu woman, Richard wrestles his conscience while confronting betrayal and colonial adventurers exploiting the land he is sworn to protect. 

Having helped equip the Zulu army with artillery, he is sent as ambassador to the court of King George, where he defends Zulu interests while trying to help an old acquaintance escape an abusive relationship.

*** *** 

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(and I'm on Twitter @HelenHollick but for marketing only)


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Alison Morton, Charlene Newcomb, Elizabeth St.John, 
Marian L Thorpe, Annie Whitehead.
With an introduction by Deborah Swift

Amazon: FREE ebook!




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