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Thursday, 13 March 2025

The Coffee Pot Book Club Tour: T.F. Troy The Absolution of Mars

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About the Book
Book Title: The Absolution of Mars
Author: T.F. Troy
Publication Date: January 21st, 2025
Publisher: Historium Press
Pages: 302
Genre: Historical Fiction, American Civil War Spy Novel

Politics, Friendship, or Greed? Which of these was the true author of the Confederate conspiracy to decapitate the Union? 

The Absolution of Mars by T.F. Troy is a masterful blend of historical fiction, human drama and moral exploration. Set against the backdrop of a racially fraught period in American history, the story does not back away from the harsh realities or racial biases of the day. 

The narrative introduces Jemm Pender, a former slave with a superior intellect, who rises to become a key agent in the National Detective Police Force. Jemm is tasked to trace the movements of J. W. Boyd, a Confederate spy working out of Canada.

From its intriguing opening scene, where playful dialogue among children hints at deeper mysteries, the story captivates with a blend of vivid detail and emotional depth. Jemm's quest intertwines with his wife Marnie and Aunt Cordelia, both blessed with remarkable capabilities that are being lost to the scientific thought of the day.

Troy tackles difficult topics with honesty and precision, creating moments that are as painful as they are profound. The prose is rich and evocative, with dialogue that breathes life into the characters and their struggles. The Absolution of Mars is a poignant, thought-provoking exploration of history, identity, and humanity, recommended for readers seeking depth and nuance.

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Author Bio:

A student of the American Civil War, T.F. Troy has an award-winning journalism career spanning more than 40 years. He currently serves as Executive Editor of Cleveland Magazine’s Community Leader as well as the Editor of Ohio Business Magazine. He also writes features for Northern Kentucky Magazine and Dayton Magazine, among other regional publications. His work with those publications has won him numerous awards, taking first, second and third place in Ohio for Magazine Feature Writing. Troy’s work has appeared in major metropolitan daily newspapers including the Cleveland Plain Dealer and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 

In addition to the previously mentioned publications, Troy also held positions as a Senior Editor for both ABC/Capital Cities and ICD Publications in New York. His work has appeared in numerous national consumer and trade periodicals throughout his career. In his first book Cleveland Classics: Great Tales from the North Coast, Troy interviewed local and national Cleveland celebrities such as: Jim Brown, Bob Feller, Patricia Heaton and Arsenio Hall among others. The Absolution of Mars, set just after the Civil War, is his first novel, but third book. 

Author Links:

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read an excerpt

The Absolution of Mars
Excerpt Three:

Stanton nods quickly once again, a lieutenant close by leads Jemm into the room, as soon as a general leaves to make enough room. Jemm feels a sense of pride at being allowed into a room, which is closed to most. He is at the absolute highest levels of government and is trusted. But still doesn’t understand why he is there. 

The President lay, his head bandaged on his left side, the dried blood now turning brown and cracking. There is blood on the linens that has spilled over onto the floor that is also beginning to dry. The president’s right eye is swollen but oddly shut, just like Jemm had seen with Sam’s eye the night of his beating for simply reporting a crime. And the President’s mouth is cocked oddly to his right, like he’d been punched in the side of the head. 

There are two physicians in the room, arguing quietly on how to extend the President’s life. The President draws long hard breaths, his chest heaving upward each time, but they grow fewer and fewer. Jemm sees his large strong arms, much larger than would seem possible for his tall lanky frame. 

A rail splitter, Jemm thinks, and quite a wrestler. 

A third physician, and obviously senior to the other two, shows up and concurs with one of the younger physicians that the wound is “absolutely mortal, and it is impossible for the President to recover.” 

But Jemm decides to make his own cursory examination. 

The ball was large enough in size to do extensive damage, but had not exited the cranial cavity, meaning that it was probably of a lower velocity. The bullet had entered through the occipital bone, about an inch to the left of the median line and just above the left lateral sinus, which it had opened judging from the blood that has dried when coming out of the President’s nose, down his mouth and onto his beard. 

But the bleeding here has not been excessive, no major arteries have been destroyed. Judging from the President’s bulging right eye, the projectile has lodged somewhere underneath the right orbital, or perhaps coming to rest under the right corpus striatum. 

The projectile has pierced the dura matter of the brain, and there would be some damage from bone fragments, but the wound is not “absolutely mortal.” 

Had the projectile hit a major artery, the President would already be dead. A skilled surgeon could ascertain the projectile’s velocity and make an educated guess as to where it came to rest. 
Then, using techniques that were perfected by the ancient Egyptians and still taught by Mauser’s work on brain surgery, remove the bullet from the other side, thus alleviating pressure on the brain caused by internal hemorrhaging within the cranial cavity. There would be no need to be continually poking fingers or probes into the President’s wound to alleviate the growing pressure within the cranial cavity. Of course, there was always the risk of hemorrhagic stroke... 

The president could live but might wind up a vegetable. Still, where there’s breath, there’s always hope, Jemm thinks. 

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hosting T.F. Troy today, with an enticing excerpt from his fascinating new novel, The Absolution of Mars.

    Take care,
    Cathie xx
    The Coffee Pot Book Club


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