I invited Margaret to join my Tuesday Talk spot and she decided to talk about Escaping to the Country - a subject close to my heart seeing as I did just that back in mid-January via the BBC TV house-finder show of the same name!
( see details on my Devon Diary )
So, please welcome Margaret Skea:
Escape to the Country – then and now…

And with apologies to non-UK readers – a
little nostalgia here – Who remembers the excesses of ‘Changing Rooms’ or the
fun of watching wannabee property developers making mistakes on Sarah Beeny’s
‘Property Ladder’?
For the record I once applied to be on
Property Ladder, and got as far as being invited to send in photos / details of
the renovation project, but to my husband’s great relief a similar project had
just been accepted and so I was turned down.
It didn’t dampen my enthusiasm though and my ‘house’ addiction is now
fed by watching as many airings of ‘Grand Designs’ as possible (mostly re-runs)
and, my latest ‘fix’, all episodes of ‘Escape to the Country.’
For the latter I blame mine host, Helen,
for although I tell myself that they are very educational, and my knowledge of
the geography of the south of England is certainly improving, it is Helen’s
appearance I’m watching for, oh, and the landscape and the many and varied houses…
(Helen: I've been told that our episode will be the last one of Series 13 - watch my Devon Diary or News Blogfor details!)

Or an outside earth closet in lieu of a
toilet? Not me!
(Helen: mind you, a cess pit - like what we have - comes a close second!)
Interesting though to see how medieval house-styling is still echoed
in new-build England today. Compare
developments of ‘mock-Tudor’ housing with the originals and externally, at least, the derivation is clear.
If you dislike ‘mock’
anything, and you have plenty of money to spend, it is possible to re-create
the real thing - there are specialist firms who will supply and erect an oak
frame, using very similar techniques to those used in Tudor times.
The current trend for open plan living certainly lends itself to
that style of house.
I have to admit here to a closet desire to live in an oak-framed
house, a dream I’m unlikely to fulfil, for though these houses, both the
original properties and the modern re-creations, are undoubtedly beautiful, they
would look entirely out of place where I stay in the Scottish Borders.
Why most people would feel that way is an interesting issue – for
modern architecture is much less location specific. Perhaps it is an
instinctive appreciation that style of housing is part of our historical
landscape, and often in earlier times directly reflected the physical
environment; for example, the honey-coloured Cotswold stone, the flint houses
of Essex and the thatched cottages of Devon -
all of which owe their predominance to the convenience and local availability
of the materials concerned, in a way that 21st century building
doesn’t. And therein lies their charm.

A reflection of the widespread lawlessness of Scottish society at
this time.
So no timber-framed ‘hall-style’ house for me then.
If you think renovation is a modern concept think again. The island
of Bute on the west coast of Scotland boasts one of the most amazing
restoration projects I have ever seen. Mount Stuart House was transformed from
to this:
Well worth a visit, with ‘wow’ factors galore, from the overall
magnificence (decadence?) of the interior to the detail of the decorated brass
door hinges, individually designed according to the purpose of the room in
which they are used!
But now, as then, if you have enough money you can build almost
anything, anywhere.
Apart from the restrictions placed by the planning
authorities of course.
Are planning regulations a new thing? Yes and no. Aside from national
regulations, we have conservation areas in towns and cities, and national parks
and areas of outstanding natural beauty in the countryside, all of which place
specific restrictions on the extent and style of building allowed within them.
Along with mountains of paperwork to be waded through in order to understand
the restrictions or to make an application.
It was much simpler in the 16th and 17th
centuries, but by no means a free-for-all.
Consider the 1589 ‘Act against the erecting and maintaining cottages’,
which stated:
‘ no person shall within this realm … make, build and erect, or
cause to be made, built or erected, any manner of cottage for habitation or
dwelling, nor convert or ordain any building or housing made or hereafter to be
made or used as a cottage for habitation or dwelling, unless the same person do
assign and lay to the same cottage or building four acres of ground at the
least, to be accounted according to the statute or ordinance De terris
mensurandis being his or her own freehold and inheritance lying near to the
said cottage, to be continually occupied and manured therewith so long as the
same cottage shall be inhabited’
Hmm – 4 acres…and as for the manuring…
But regulations are made to be broken, and illegal building of
cottages on common ground was rife. It was however possible, but by no means
certain, to obtain retrospective permission, usually by payment of a fine. (The
equivalent of a modern-day ‘sweetener’ perhaps?)
Poplar Cottage, now re-erected in the Weald and Downland museum, but
originally sited in West Sussex, is thought to be one such illegal or
‘wasteland’ cottage, the owner of which must at some stage have received a
‘licence to remain’.
As it happens, I wrote a short story last year called ‘The Price of Poplar Cottage ' speculating
on the means used to gain that permission, which will be published in a
forthcoming Historical Novel Society anthology.
Is ‘escaping to the country’ a modern concept? Not really –
(seriously) wealthy folk in Tudor London also prized their country estates,
enabling them to escape from the city when the weather, or disease, or
political difficulties dictated.
The TV show ‘Escape to the Country’ is somewhat different. Not featuring temporary escapes to country
estates by the privileged, but folk like me (well, ok, maybe a teensy bit
better-off than me) making a permanent move; choosing, not just a beautiful
part of the country to live in, but often also a different pace and way of
May they all enjoy it!
Margaret Skea is an award-winning writer, who’s debut novel, Turn of the Tide, the Historical Fiction
Winner in the 2011 Harper Collins People’s Novelist competition, was published
in November 2012 by Capercaillie Books.
It is available in good bookshops in
the UK and online
Visit her on her Website
or on FaceBook
True escapism. The view of the Taw Valley from my bedroom window one misty morning |
Next week: writer Cynthia Haggard will have an article of interest to share
Thanks, Margaret. There's just something universal about houses - they all have similar functions but we rejoice in their differences and idiosyncratic features. And of course a key point is always where the house is situated. I take it you don't fancy a border Pele house then...
ReplyDeleteHi Derek,
DeleteWell...in summer perhaps, when small windows let in a reasonable amount of light, but in winter...maybe not. Though some of the locations of suitable ruins in my area that could be renovated are quite spectacular and I could probably do with the exercise on the stairs!
And thank you, Helen, for inviting me onto your fascinating blog. It's been fun.
What a great post - I love old houses (or perhaps I'm just nosy) and found this really interesting :)
ReplyDeleteThat was really interesting, Margaret. Though I've often dreamt of living in a Scottish castle I think it would be more of a nightmare with those tiny windows, no light, not to mention the heating and sanitation. So will drop plans to do up any of Bothwell's properties Hermitage, Hailes or Crichton.
ReplyDeleteThanks for leaving comments Yangsze and Marie - not nosey at all, if people didn't take an interest in old houses I guess a lot of them would have been pulled down!
ReplyDeleteMarie - for me it would be the stairs. All those stairs to go up! :-(