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Thursday 4 July 2024

Rachel's Random Resources Book Tour: Passageways by Lisa Fox

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About the Book

Passageways: Short Speculative Fiction
Twenty-seven speculative short stories celebrating the value of the journey: how lessons learned traveling the path between two points often transcend the goal of reaching the destination. These tales—including science fiction, fantasy, and horror—introduce characters who traverse unusual and often unsettling routes toward their desired objectives.
A man ventures through the depths of his beloved's subconscious to save her, only to discover a deep-rooted secret that could destroy everything. A young girl and a newly found friend travel to the Middle of Nowhere, desperate to find a way Out. A teenager struggles to escape the clutches of a demonic blanket inherited from a deceased family member. An "ugly" vampire goes through hell on earth to find his true self and his one true love. A woman revisits her past to determine whether it’s time to pull the plug on a scientific experiment that’s sustained—and devastated—her family for decades.
Passageways is the second short story collection from author Lisa Fox, following her acclaimed debut Core Truths. In these pages, readers voyage through darkness and light, fear and faith; toward understanding and peace. Sanctuary. Self-awareness. Being heard. Being loved. As speculative literary fiction, the stories in this anthology harmonize the excitement and otherworldly escapism that genre-based tales offer with the lyrical poeticism of language that makes storytelling sing.

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Author Bio – 
Lisa Fox is a pharmaceutical market researcher by day and fiction writer by night. She survives—and sometimes even thrives—in the chaos of suburban New Jersey life with her husband, two teenage sons, and quirky Double-Doodle dog. Her debut short story collection, Core Truths, was published in April 2023. Lisa’s work has been featured in Amazing Stories, Uncharted Magazine, Dark Matter, Bards and Sages Quarterly, Metaphorosis, New Myths, and Brilliant Flash Fiction among others. Lisa has had work nominated for the Pushcart Prize and for Best Small Fictions and is a previous winner of the NYC Midnight Short Screenplay competition. You can find Lisa and her published work via her website: or on Twitter @iamlisafox10800.

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read an excerpt

An excerpt from “I Know About the Dragon”
“I Know About the Dragon” is featured in Passageways: Short Speculative Fiction. It’s told from three distinct POVs, highlighting the events surrounding the discovery of a mysterious dragon’s egg in a suburban town. 
“Is this your first time in a police station, Alice?”
I can’t look at him. I won’t look at him. I squeeze my hands together—they’re wet and squishy. Kind of like the inside of that dragon egg when we found it. Poor little creature all by himself in a world he doesn’t belong in. Maybe if I close my eyes tight enough this will all be just some weird bad dream that Drew, Edgar, and I can laugh about later—well, not Edgar. He doesn’t laugh at anything. 
I shake my head.
“Sweetheart, you’ve got to talk to me.” 
I crack my eyes open, slowly—like that egg cracking open before the little guy poked his head out, shivering and lonely and afraid—and see the cop leaning in. He’s soft and pudgy with these big puppy dog eyes and red cheeks, a bit like Santa Claus, if Santa had shaved his beard.
“I’ve never been in a police station before. Except when I got my Good Citizen patch in the Girl Scouts when I was thirteen.”
“That’s nice,” he says. “You know why you’re here, right?”
I hang my head, staring at my mud caked Keds. They were new, perfect white canvas, before we’d gone traipsing through Mr. Petersen’s backyard. All the “No Trespassing” signs in the world wouldn’t keep the locals off his property—especially the local kids. Ever since Josh Bowman stole those old hubcaps from Petersen’s trash pile and he claimed his car… flew… after he’d installed them on his Jeep, there’d been an irresistible fascination with the junk in Mr. Petersen’s yard. 
Especially for Edgar.
But that egg, it wasn’t junk. It was a tiny miracle.
“Alice, answer me.”
“No, I don’t know why I’m here.” I bite my lower lip to stop it quivering. Edgar, Drew, and I, we’d made a pact. I look up at the cop and feel sorry for him. He seems like a nice enough guy, and I’m making his job much harder than it needs to be. “And I’d like to go home. I have an AP Calculus exam tomorrow, and I need time to study.”

(note: Helen has not yet read the book herself)

*** *** 

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