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Saturday 13 July 2024

When the Mermaid Sings...

If you enjoyed the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie
You'll love the
nautical adventures set during the Golden Age of Piracy

and you'll also love the short-read prequel...

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About the Book


When the only choice is to run, where do you run to?

When the only sound is the song of the sea, do you listen?

Or do you drown in the embrace of a mermaid?

In 2005 my ex-literary agent thought that I should write something different to my usual historical fiction.

“What about a pirate adventure?” I suggested. The idea had been brewing in my mind for some while because I had been searching for a novel which matched the fun of the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. There were plenty of ‘straight’ nautical novels: C.S. Forrester, Patrick O’Brian, Alexander Kent etc., and quite a few young adult adventures, but nothing like Curse of the Black Pearl with its supernatural/fantasy, dash of romance, and a swashbuckling rogue of a hero. I wanted something to read that was written as an adult novel, with adult themes and relationships, in addition to the nautical adventure bits. Giving up the search I decided to write my own.

I spent a few months researching the facts about the Caribbean pirates of the early 1700s and my characters appeared overnight, as if they’d been waiting to come alive for some while. I had Captain Jesamiah Acorne, my lead protagonist, quick to laugh but formidable when angry. His second-in-command, Rue, and the ship herself, Sea Witch. (Based on the replica of HMS Rose aka Surprise.)  To balance the men and to become the love of Jesamiah’s life (apart from his ship) I had Tiola Oldstagh, a midwife, healer and a white witch. She loves Jesamiah, but he has been known to annoy her...

Writing solid for two months, stopping only for Christmas Day, the words flowed like a following wind, and, finished, excited because I knew I had something special in my hands, 

I sent it off to my agent.

She hated it. “It’s not suitable for teenage boys,” she said.

“Er, no,” said I. “ I didn’t write it for boys. It’s for adults.”

She snorted derision. “Adults do not read pirate stories.”

(Now you know why I put ‘ex-agent’ above. We parted company.)

I knew Jesamiah Acorne was going to become popular. I knew Sea Witch was good, the  publishing houses I sent it to agreed, but all turned it down because the cross-genre of adventure-supernatural-romance-fantasy did not suit their unimaginative marketing strategies. “Drop the supernatural” they all said... oh, apart from one, who turned it down because, “Women do not write nautical fiction.”

After much thought I decided to self-publish. It was a risk. Back in 2006/7 self-publishing was in its infancy and the literary world sneered at the thought that good writers could independently produce great books. I had nothing to lose, though, I’d already been a USA Today best-seller with my historical fiction, and anyway, this would only be a one-off novel...

Wrong. I recently published the sixth in the series, and GreenFeet Games were keen to use a prequel novella as a sub-plot for their The Pirate Republic: Africa Gambit board game.

I wrote the prequel, When The Mermaid Sings, several years ago, urged to do so by popular demand. Readers wanted to know how Jesamiah had become a pirate, and I wanted to include a mermaid in one of the Voyage stories. The two easily came together, and I managed to include Captain Morgan, Henry Jennings and Charles Vane in my story – along with some swashbuckling pirate adventure, my young white witch, a ghost and, of course, a mermaid.

When the Mermaid Sings 
By Helen Hollick

An early coming-of-age tale of the young Jesamiah Acorne, set in the years before he becomes a pirate and Captain of the Sea Witch.

Amazon Universal Link:

Throughout childhood, Jesamiah Mereno has suffered the bullying of his elder half-brother. Then, not quite fifteen years old, and on the day they bury their father, Jesamiah hits back. In consequence, he flees his home, changes his name to Jesamiah Acorne, and joins the crew of his father’s seafaring friend, Captain Malachias Taylor, aboard the privateer, Mermaid.

He makes enemies, sees the ghost of his father, wonders who is the Cornish girl he hears in his mind – and tries to avoid the beguiling lure of a sensuous mermaid...

Award winning!


The Sea Witch Voyages

Voyage 1 - Sea Witch:  

Voyage 2 - Pirate Code:

Voyage 3 - Bring It Close :

Voyage 4 - Ripples:

 Voyage 5 - On the Account :

Voyage 6 - Gallows Wake :


Both of these anthologies contain short stories
connected to The Sea Witch Voyages

Historical Stories of Exile by 13 popular authors 
Cryssa Bazos, Anna Belfrage, Elizabeth Chadwick, Cathie Dunn, 
J.G. Harlond, Helen Hollick, Loretta Livingstone, Amy Maroney 
Alison Morton, Charlene Newcomb, Elizabeth St.John, 
Marian L Thorpe, Annie Whitehead.
With an introduction by Deborah Swift

Amazon: FREE ebook!





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