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Friday, 31 January 2025


Are you interested in North Devon's rural beauty,

its history... 

and its ghosts?

cover design: avalon graphics
cover artwork: Chris Collingwood

 e-book available for pre-order

(Amazon Universal Link)

paperback publication date 27th February

Everyone assumes that ghosts are hostile.

Actually, most of them are not. 

You either believe in the existence of ghosts or you don’t. It depends on whether you’ve encountered something supernatural or not.

here's a short excerpt

Excerpt 1


“Sadly, I don’t think a book about friendly ghosts will get much traction,” suggested an acquaintance. Kindly meant, for almost everyone assumes that ghosts and paranormal entities are hostile and frightening. An assumption perpetuated by intentionally scary stories, religious taboo, movies and TV docu-drama ‘haunted house’ shows. Non-believers – in many cases, correctly – maintain that supernatural experiences are caused by hallucinations of various kinds, the brain visualising something odd into something explainable, or the results of electronic equipment being conveniently misinterpreted. But there does not seem to be any explanation for the same ‘ghosts’ being seen in the same place at different times by different people. And actually, the majority of souls that are encountered by genuine Mediums and Spiritualists are not nasty spooks out to scare us. It’s about time that the Hallowe’en image of fear and superstition was firmly set aside. Most ghosts are non-threatening, friendly and indifferent to our presence – or even as unaware of us as most of us are of them.

Here in North Devon, spirits from the past might be encountered where they would be expected – on battle sites, in old pubs and inns, walking the corridors of old houses or lingering on the dockside where tall ships once dropped anchor. But they can also be found beside busy roads, strolling along quiet country lanes, and even keeping an eye on a busy modern car park. And lingering spirits are not limited to people, for animals remain among us as well. It is, I think, comforting to know that our loved ones – human and pets – are, in some way, still with us.
Whether you believe in the supernatural or not is a matter for individual consideration, but for those who have the gift to see, hear or be aware of people from the past, meeting with them in today’s environment can generate a connection to years gone by. Those who came before us and who chose to remain among us, whether strangers or relatives and ancestors, are to be welcomed, not feared.

another excerpt soon!

(Amazon Universal Link)

You are more than welcome to leave a comment, 

thought, observation or your own encounter/s 

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