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Saturday, 1 February 2025

My guest: Mary - Tudor Princess (and author Tony Riches)

Personal Statement:

Born at Sheen Palace, on 18th March, 1496, I am often mistaken for my niece, Queen Mary of England. I’m best known as the youngest sister of King Henry VIII. 

Henry married me off to King Louis XII to secure peace with our troublesome neighbours. I liked being Queen of France, but Louis was thirty years older than me, and I object to the suggestion he died because my ‘vigorous’ love making. (He always fell asleep before I did.) 

I knew my brother would be furious when I married Charles Brandon, as he’d made Charles promise not to ask, but as Duchess of Suffolk I am one of the senior ladies of Court.

Work Experience 

I think I make a good princess, and am one of the closest women to the king (list of the names of the others available on request). I also gained useful work experience on the continent, and did I mention that I’m the Dowager Queen of France?

I run the household at Westhorpe Hall, and manage over a hundred servants, as well as organising banquets and royal visits.

I was recently chosen to welcome my brother’s latest, Anne of Cleves, and had to explain our English ways to her (quite a challenge as the only English she speaks is what they could teach her on the journey from Germany.) She seems a bit bewildered by it all, but I’m sure she’ll be perfect for Henry.

Fluent in French, and Latin, I am learning German (from Anne of Cleves). I have a working knowledge of household accounts, and have learned to manage my husband’s debts.

Hobbies and Interests
I enjoy music, and play the lute and clavichord. I also like dancing and embroidery. I like to keep fit with riding, hunting, and falconry, and keep greyhounds.

His Majesty King Henry the Eighth, by the Grace of God, King of England and France, Defender of the Faith and Lord of Ireland. (Hampton Court Palace)
His Majesty King Francis I of France (C/O Château de Rambouillet)


Hear more about Mary on Tony's Podcast

#Tudors #HistoricalFiction

[Helen: a perfect CV to entice readers to discover more about this intriguing lady!

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